Legal Disclaimer:

Legal Disclaimer: Cycling is an inherently dangerous sport. The responsibility for each riders safety, fitness and the soundness of his or her bicycle lies solely with each rider. No effort has been made to insure the safety of the roads chosen by any member of the group, nor have the routes been screened for road or other hazards and may not be the safest route available. No effort has been made to ensure that riders in the group possess any degree of skill and/or judgment. By either continuing to read this blog or participating in a ride each rider agrees to waive and release any claims against fellow riders or the route organizers or the blog author on behalf of themselves and their heirs and assigns. This waiver and release of any claims includes claims based upon the negligence of said fellow riders, route organizers and blog author.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Final Summary of the 300 Mile Challenge

300 miles in 6 days, no big deal, right?! No, it really wasn't any big deal. It was just a personal challenge to see how I could juggle work, family and other responsibilities while upping my weekly miles by 30 to 50 percent. Don't get me wrong, I'm really pleased with my accomplishment. However, I couldn't have done it without the help of several of you, namely Left Lane, Circle K, David "Lawman" Carroll, as well as many others. None more than big Tim "Supermarket" Fox who personally pulled me through many an early morning mile even when I didn't want to go any further. He is a great draft and even greater friend! A huge thanks to all!!!

What follows is a sampling of the results of the 300 miles. I say a sampling because I don't think I have experienced all the results yet.

Miles: 308
Resting Heart Rate: 56bpm last Friday morning. This morning it was finally back to the pre 300 mile pace of 52bpm.
Weight: Total lost was 9lbs. As of this morning I have gained back 3 of those pounds.
Mental/Emotional Outlook: Really encouraged by the accomplishment and the overall response of this AARP body to the increased workload.
Physical Wear and Tear: All the little ailments have cleared up...even the sore upon the saddle. My legs, however, are still a bit sluggish although they feel much stronger than pre 300 condition.

Other Observations:

Yelled at by motorists: 3 times
Early morning Rainbows: 4 full and 3 partial (This was such an added benefit that it makes the next observation almost tolerable)
Rained upon: 7 times including 2 absolute drenchings
Cleaned bike: 2 times
Flats: 1 flat...although none on the road. It was in my garage when I went out to ride one morning...strange. Lesson: always have an extra set of wheels ready to go, otherwise you'll just say forget it and go back to bed!
Mechanicals: 1...a broken spoke. Check out lesson learned above. (And keep an eye on all weedhoppers and Young Jedis!)
Water bottles consumed: 31 bottles of water and Gatorade (I thought this a very interesting statistic...about 1 bottle for every 10 miles.)
Hosed down by a water bottle: 1 time by Tim "Supermarket" Fox as we crossed 300 miles early Thursday morning on Chapel Drive in Pensacola. (He was trying to celebrate...but he had iced water in the bottle!!!)
Energy bars consumed: 5 Clif bars and 7 Bonk Breaker bars.
Gels consumed: 8 Clif shots (2 Mocha and the rest Strawberry)
Shot Bloks consumed: 27 bloks (All Strawberry except 6 Mountain Berry)

Comments: Glad to be done.
-Had a rough time on Saturday's 58 mile ride after completing the 300 miles. I was calling to the engine room for more power and the guys in the engine room were laughing at me! Frankly, the legs needed a rest but I wanted to ride. I took Sunday off and I am feeling a bit more springiness in the pistons today.
-Had a bit of an upset stomach the last couple of days. I think it was so many gels and shot bloks over the last week. (I don't want to see one of those for a few days)
-I changed my chamois creme after a day of dealing with the saddle sore. I think changing to a different creme must have helped because it cleared up after a couple of days...and some rest.
-The stiff knee problem cleared up by just spinning a bit more than usual. I simply used a one or two tooth smaller gear for the same speed. Never did ice them down. However, I highly recommend icing after a ride in the mountains. I rode in Yosemite National Park a few years back and did an absolute beast of a climb one day. I got back to the hotel and could barely walk...I mean I was some kinda hurting. Put my feet up for 30 minutes or so with a bag of ice on each knee and I was a new man! Even hiked the Upper Falls Trail with the kiddos.

I'm looking forward to the next challenge, and...

Seeing you out on the road,

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