Legal Disclaimer:

Legal Disclaimer: Cycling is an inherently dangerous sport. The responsibility for each riders safety, fitness and the soundness of his or her bicycle lies solely with each rider. No effort has been made to insure the safety of the roads chosen by any member of the group, nor have the routes been screened for road or other hazards and may not be the safest route available. No effort has been made to ensure that riders in the group possess any degree of skill and/or judgment. By either continuing to read this blog or participating in a ride each rider agrees to waive and release any claims against fellow riders or the route organizers or the blog author on behalf of themselves and their heirs and assigns. This waiver and release of any claims includes claims based upon the negligence of said fellow riders, route organizers and blog author.


Monday, July 30, 2012

A Little Commentary And The Weekly Rides

Really nice ride this past Saturday to Fort Pickens! Smaller than usual group with a few of the cast of unusual characters missing in action. (Olympic Road Race was on the Tele. Uh, that's British for Television.) However, a lot of fun for those that did show up. We cruised across 3 Mile Bridge leaving Fish and Wildlife shortly after 7am. The pace was moderate with a bit of a tailwind to help. We picked up a few more riders in Gulf Breeze as we looped around Proper and onto the Beach. The Left Lane had taken a short cut and gotten ahead of the peloton before we hit the Bob Sikes Bridge but he came into view just before the gate into the National Park.

Believe it or not, he blows through the gate to the disbelief of the entire peloton and the Park Ranger at the gate! (Did I mention this is a National Park and subject to Federal Law?! The man has no fear.) According to the Ranger, he yelled something about the group behind him was paying for his entrance fee. We told the Ranger he wasn't part of us law-abiding cyclists!

Some of the boys chased the Left Lane down Fort Pickens road for several miles before he disappeared. The Prenti and Vortex were riding sweeper and about 1k back of the group. As they passed by the Coast Guard House, out pops Left Lane from his hiding place heading in the opposite direction! Whaaat?! Needless to say, he must not have been interested in a group ride this day. That Left Lane, what a character!

Well, the group, uh...regrouped out at the Fort and headed back towards Pensacola Beach under a Tailwind Express! The pace averaged around the 25-26mph range with the big pulls coming from Retro, a new guy named Tom and Pedaling Pete Piotrowski (3Pete) who was out for the first time since Krispy Kreme reopened. (Spotted Meri Asmar hammering toward the Fort about halfway back.) We stopped at the Tom Thumb or is it Circle K to refill the bottles and tell some stories. The ride home was uneventful as we cruised in at a moderate pace. Great ride! (Never did see that Left Lane again!)

Although, I'm sure he'll show his mug tomorrow night at the TERAD! It starts at 5:30pm at Maygarden and Summit and is sure to be an antic filled romp on the Super Figure 8 course. Come on out. If you can't make it, don't fret yourself, Wednesday at 5pm leaving WSRE Parking Lot is the WFW Hammerfest. It's a bit hillier than the TERAD but just as much fun! about the Full Moon Ride at the beach! Starts at 6:30pm at the Casino Beach Parking Lot. Come on somebody! Come on everybody!

And don't forget this Saturday! A great loop on the Twisted Pine Forest route. We leave from the Maygarden and Summit station at 7am! Come on out and enjoy some fun filled exercise with your favorite peloton! See you then!

And as always, I'll...

See you out on the road,

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